Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Only a few hours left for those celebrating.

2 Annoyances

The first.
Would be the fact that ...honestly, college is easy.  It's not that hard to read chapters before lecture, study, party, go to bed before 2 on weekdays and attend all classes, lectures, recitations, tutor sessions, labs, practices, group meetings or what every academic activities you have. But for the past six or seven months I've been here, I've noticed so many people disappearing.  First people that I've worked with, people that I live with, then people who I see every day and then my closer friends.  And then there was a point where even I had to even consider leaving.  What the f.... right? You would think.  I can't count how many reasons there are, how many factors there are within 'dropping out' or 'leaving school'.  I can seriously count 10 people off the top of my head, easily.  
The number one reason would be money.  What a typically issue.  It's almost a reason that we can't get around, I mean surely people could say 'Oh borrow loans!' oh, trust me, I've been borrowing.  And I am NOT looking forward to when I graduate.  Of course I'll factor in those who well, just didn't manage their time wisely and decided to smoke up and spend most of their times either by the toilet or in cold showers.  But I'm sure half of those drop outs have a good reason.  Don't judge just saying.

The second.
I've been hearing this a lot lately.  'Stop trying to be/acting Asian you aren't. You in your polo shirt, Levi jeans, gray converses, and North Face.' quoted from a good friend.  I get it.  I act...I don't know.. my definition of normal? How else am I suppose to describe it.  There are some people out there who are wearing three different kinds of strips in one outfit, or plaid and argyle print together.  Although I am one ethnicity, and of that ethnicity they act a certain way, dress a certain way... I'm a little different? ok? But I still consider myself that ethnicity.  I can't help it if I have that sense of style plus it makes me feel comfortable.

The one living next door.

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