Thursday, April 21, 2011

Going to sleep happy.

Let's start with something nice today.
For the past few days, I've been ending my very last few minutes of each day very satisfactorily.  Is it my own align in life? or am I doing this on my own?  I feel a combination of both but I would like to say that I am doing something different each night.  And no, I'm not doing anything dirty for those who are thinking that.  I am actually thinking happy thoughts.  I think of the days when I was the most happiest.  Although along with the happiest moments with my ex, there is the thoughts of not having those currently..haha...but I cut it off right there.  I've been waking up a lot more lethargic though.  Having a more difficult time waking up, but more in state where "I'm so comfy and had such a good night's sleep that I don't want to get up" feel.  Although of course this also resulted me being 40 minutes late to my lecture.... x_x

Three annoyances from yesterday.
Runners of the last minute.
Here we go, I live in the city, and there are things called crosswalks where pedestrians have to walk across when crossing the street.  And on these crosswalks theres a blinking sign to either tell you, you can walk, or you cannot.  There's even these new crosswalks with countdowns telling you how much time you have left before you're about to get hit by a car.  Now on to my rant, I have come across so many of these people who as I am putting my foot down on the other side of the sidewalk as there are only 2 seconds left, I see three blurs of people go past me in the hopes of making that light.  Why not take your time and wait I don't know 40 seconds for the next light?  If you're running late, there's a reason you're running late already go with it.  You just end up looking stupid running into the street and almost getting hit, while the car getting ready for it's green light almost hits you and you end up screaming at the car saying "It's my right of way!"  Learn people....
White Asians.
So I'm at the library and this girl just screams EVEN THOUGH I LOOK ASIAN I AM WHITE I ACT WHITE AND I LAAAAKE WHITE BOYS... kill me. hahahaha...Give yourself a little respect and take a look in the mirror once in awhile.  I know you were born here, but still your ancestral back ground is from Asia! Chill with it!
Extremely Fobby Kids.
 I go to a University with a lot of international Asian students.  And with these fobby kids comes their unique sense of style.  I mean you can tell if they are from abroad or not.  You can tell if they were born here or from overseas.  Its a big differences just from the clothes, not even from the jabbering language they sometimes yell.  And I'm thinking to my self, yeah sure respect yourself, and show your true colors...But we are in America, I was just wondering if you can just slightly try to fit in? ...maybe? ...maybe sometimes dress like an American.  You'll be living here for the next four years of your why not? ... try it a little, maybe you'll become more friendly with Americans too, and you can have more American friends and have a little diversity instead of just making friends from the same area as you.  Just a thought,  some Americans aren't that bad! Sure some can be jerks, especially on a campus with alcohol and recreational drugs but still, find a good crowd, it's somewhere out there!

 Be back soon.

Be Quiet.
I don't care who you are, what you're doing, but if this is my room and you happened to walk in respect my wishes.  If I want to watch a show, among shows that I never watch ever, can you at least be quiet? Okay so you CAN'T be quiet, can you respect me and at least not rant and complain about my show, before I start screaming at you!  If you don't like what you see then get out because you being there isn't making anybody else happier.  
=D night.

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